DoD Instruction 5400.17
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
The intent of DVHS is to expand access to education and provide curricular options similar to programs delivered within local DoDEA schools. DVHS courses will address the same standards and performance expectations, as well as provide the advantages of creating a systemic approach to curriculum and instruction that also has the benefit of brick-and-mortar instruction.
Students are not expected to work over holidays or breaks. If a student falls behind, it may be recommended that the student use any break to catch up, if possible.
All DVHS courses have a weekly Assignment Schedule that students must follow to ensure course completion by the end of the term. DVHS does allow some flexibility, but to ensure success, students should have a designated time in which to complete coursework. Students may also be able to complete assignments each week wherever and whenever they have Internet access, but ongoing and routine participation is crucial. While some learning takes place at any time the student chooses (reading, research, etc.) some of the requirements include participating in live, online discussions via web conferencing in addition to video and/or audio chats.
Extra credit is up to teacher discretion. Before students seek out extra credit, it is highly recommended that they ensure all required work is completed and turned in.
DVHS students are encouraged to establish a strong rapport with their online teacher(s) to help address course questions or challenges. Each DVHS student has a variety of ways in which to contact his/her course instructor when questions arise about course content or if one-on-one assistance is needed. Listed within each course is the teacher’s email address and office phone number. Instant messaging (IM) and web-conferencing tools are also used to support student-student and student-teacher real-time interaction.
In many DoDEA schools, every student is assigned to a local facilitator who provides routine monitoring and helps address on-site issues or contacts technical support technicians regarding access issues. The local facilitator’s role is critical for helping students develop time-management skills, ensure successful completion, and address academic integrity issues.
Students participating through the NDSP program will work with a facilitator assigned to them at the time of admission.
For technical support, DVHS students may submit a DVHS Help Desk ticket using the link provided in each DVHS course and on the DVHS website home page. We have Educational Technologists responding to requests almost 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday (except holidays).
In every course, there is a link to the DVHS Tech Help Desk. Students may use this link to submit a help desk ticket and will be contacted by one of the DVHS Educational Technologists (ET). While we do have ETs in the Americas, Europe, and the Pacific, we are not able to provide "round the clock" coverage. It is in the student's best interest to first ask for help from their teacher and/or local facilitator before submitting a help desk ticket. Often they can help resolve questions more quickly. But if they cannot, our help desk is available!
Before submitting a ticket, we ask students to complete the following:
If these steps do not resolve the issue, we ask students to then submit a DVHS help desk ticket.
The DVHS is open to all students who meet DoDEA eligibility requirements. Special education staff works collaboratively with online instructors and share the responsibility for assisting students with identified disabilities to be successful in the online environment. All students can learn when instruction is geared to their strengths and are given sufficient opportunity to learn.
Most of our courses do not require specific software beyond what is provided by DoDEA. A few of our courses may require students to download a software application. Please see the DVHS Technical Requirement page on this website for more information. Once enrolled, it is best to contact the teacher for more information on what software applications may be needed for your course.
Virtual school classes are supplemental to the local school course offerings and are available for students if the course is not offered at the local school or there is a schedule conflict that prohibits the student from taking the course at the local school. Unless the course is not offered, there is a schedule conflict, or extenuating circumstances, courses should be taken at the local school.
Some courses require online textbooks, while other courses provide content solely online. It is best to refer to the syllabus or Course Policies for the course to determine how the content will be provided to the student.
Students can work from anywhere internet access is provided. Students can even access Schoology on any computer, tablet, or smartphone. Many teachers suggest finishing any work that cannot be completed during the class period during the school day at home as “homework.” However, some tests or quizzes are required to be taken at the local school while being proctored by a staff member. Such assessments require a password, which can be obtained from the local school facilitator.
DVHS teachers are located in one of three hubs: Quantico, Virginia; Sembach, Germany; or Okinawa, Japan. The location of the teacher can be found on the Teacher Introduction & Contact Information page in each course in Schoology.
DVHS courses are not self-paced. Each course will provide an Assignment Schedule for students to follow. This Assignment Schedule will provide students with the work to complete, the order to complete it, and deadlines for the work. Students may be able choose what to work on while in class at school and at home for homework. However, students should adhere to the deadlines.
We have two options for students residing in the U.S. to attend the DVHS.
Teachers will open work as needed through the school year. If the course content is already open, it can be accessed anywhere the student has internet access. The student should ensure that they know the teacher’s testing policy because many courses require tests to be taken at school, so early access will not be available.
DVHS courses are for all levels of students.
Some of the advantages of DVHS include
Before choosing to get a tutor for your child, please reach out to the teacher for the course. The teacher may want to meet with your child. Or they may have some suggestions and strategies that can help your child. Ultimately, whether you choose to get a tutor is up to you. However, keep in mind the teacher is the best resource for the course and knows what material is covered.
Students must enroll in their local DoDEA school before enrolling in the DVHS. The DVHS does not have the authority to directly enroll students. Further, the DVHS can only offer full-time* enrollment for students who are eligible for the Non-DoD Student Program.
Please see our Eligibility page for more information.
*The full-time virtual option for DoDEA students offered during SY20-21, SY21-22, and SY22-23 was an emergency response to the global pandemic and was authorized for only a limited time. In SY23-24, the DVHS returned to its previous status as a supplemental program.