Grading Practices

Grades 4-12

Please note:  Parents will find a cumulative grade posted in their student’s online course.  It’s important to note that this is not the official grade.  Student's official grades for assignments and cumulative progress will be found in DSIS, DoDEA’s official grade reporting program for grades 7-12.

Parents have access to the official student grade through the parent portal in DSIS. For information about how to set up a DSIS account, please contact the Educational Technologist at your local school.

Grading System (7-12)

A traditional letter grading system will be used for grades 7–12 report marks.

Grade Numerical Range Description
A 90 – 100 Excellent: Outstanding level of performance
B 80 – 89 Good: High level of performance
C 70 – 79 Average: Acceptable level of performance
D 60 – 69 Poor: Minimal level of performance
F (failing) 0 – 59 Failing (No credit awarded)


For purposes of calculating a student’s high school GPA, the following scales shall be used:

Unweighted Standard Scale Weighted Advanced Placement (with AP exam)
4.0 5.0
3.0 4.0
2.0 3.0
1.0 2.0
0 0

Related DoDEA Policies & Regulations

1377.01: Student Progress Reports

Grades 9-12 Additional Info

The DVHS is committed to communicating accurate information to sponsors and students based upon the DoDEA grading policies. The following practices apply to all students enrolled in DVHS courses regardless of eligibility upon which they are enrolled:

  • Official grades are provided through DSIS, the DoDEA electronic gradebook/portal.
  • A progress report is posted in the DSIS Family Portal at the mid-point of each grading period. Student grades are always available to parents via the parent access account in DSIS. Parents should contact the Educational Technologist at their child's local brick and mortar school to obtain a DSIS account.

Grades populated in any other database including Schoology are not official. Individual grades in the LMS may represent completion of some assignments but, may not reflect a comprehensive list of grades for the course.

The DVHS operates worldwide; therefore, calculation of grades for extracurricular activity eligibility within DoDEA is updated no later than each Tuesday at 1600 EST/EDT.

For supplemental DVHS students in a DoDEA school:

  • DoDEA facilitators will be provided access to DVHS grades for students enrolled in DVHS courses at their local schools.
  • Specific information regarding access is provided in the facilitator SharePoint site or Team. 

For students enrolled with the Expanded Eligibility Pilot Program, Non-DoD Schools Program (NDSP) and the Domestic Transition Program, report cards are sent via email to the students and sponsors at the end of each quarter (nine weeks). DVHS supplemental students will receive reports cards from their local school.

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